How the Perception Gap Slows Gender Equality

iStock_000009913938XSmallBy Melissa J. Anderson (New York City)

According to a new study out of UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School, men and women view the gap between genders at the workplace very differently.

For example, based on a study of 925 professionals involved in talent development at top companies in the US, 57% of men said the number of women in senior management had increased in the past five years – compared with only 36% of women. Similarly, 53% of men said their companies were “extremely” or “moderately” effective at recruiting women, compared with only 33% of women.

When it came to retention of women, 73% of men said their organizations were “extremely” or “moderately” effective, and only 52% of women said the same.

In each case men were roughly 20% more positive than women regarding their firm’s efforts toward promoting, recruiting, and retaining female employees. This gap in perception reveals one way that men and women experience corporate life differently – and, it could be slowing women’s movement to the top.

The Problem with the Gap

Susan Cates, UNC Kenan-Flagler associate dean of executive development, said, “Significant gaps exist in the ways that business leaders view their firms’ efforts to develop women business leaders.”

And when male leaders don’t recognize the challenges that women face in the workforce, it can mean a tougher battle for those working toward gender equality in the office. Cates added, “Significant gaps exist in the ways that business leaders view their firms’ efforts to develop women business leaders.”

More than half of women surveyed (52%) said the development of women leaders was not on their organization’s strategic agenda. Only 31% of men said the same. Again, there’s that roughly 20% perception gap in what men and women are experiencing in the workplace as far as women’s advancement.

This gap can make achieving gender equality more difficult. Leadership buy-in is critical for any initiative to work, and when the majority of those at the top don’t perceive a clear need, it’s not going to get recognition, support, or respect.

The report, written by Mindy Storrie Director of Leadership Development UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School, explains:

“Because men are more likely than women to be in senior-leadership positions, these perceptions gaps should not be overlooked. As with so many human resource initiatives—from performance management to succession planning to compensation to training and development (and everything in between)–the number one priority for success is to achieve buy-in from the top. If top management is mostly male, obtaining buy-in for programs that foster the recruitment, development and retention of women in organizations may be a key challenge.”

Because the majority of those in leadership don’t recognize a need for women’s development programs, they are not likely to get the support they need to succeed.

How to Shrink the Gap?

According to the study, “Only 2 percent of respondents said [the development of female leaders] was a “Top 3” strategic agenda item. Eighteen percent said that it was a “Top 10” strategic agenda item.”

How can companies bring men and women closer together on the need for these programs?

The first step would be to assess where your company really stands on the numbers. What percentages of women are in senior management, in middle management, and in the pipeline for advancement? What are the attrition rates at various levels, and how have those numbers changed in the last five years? What percentage of women is really in your company’s succession plan for senior leaders? Quantifying the advancement of women in real numbers – and communicating those numbers – can take the guesswork out of perception.

“Other effective methods to assess real and perceived gaps in gender equality may include conducting third-party exit interviews to receive honest feedback about why people are leaving the organization and surveying applicants who turn down job offers to learn their reasons for doing so,” the report suggests.

UNC also suggests implementing workplace flexibility and sponsorship programs to help retain women and pull them into key leadership positions.

By identifying the challenges that women face and conveying them in real terms, companies can come up with more effective, strategic methods of recruiting, retaining, and promoting women to the top.

1 reply
  1. Kathleen Gillespie
    Kathleen Gillespie says:

    Dear Ms. Anderson – – I enjoyed reading your description of the “Problem with the Gap.”

    I agree with you that the first step in “shrinking the gap” is looking at “the numbers.” Analysis of the data is vital and an excellent first step. However, I especially value the second step you recommed – – which is hiring a third party to conduct exit interviews to “recieve honest feedback about why people are leaving the organization.” I concur – – the feedback from a third party can be related to the “gap” data for a rich source of fresh insight. (And not a bad way to design more inclusive ways of engaging ALL highly skilled and knowledgeable employees.)

    Conversely, if a third party is NOT conducting such interviews as all IT professionals exit, I contend that women IT professionals should consider organizations that do. The “command and control” tradition has deep, underlying roots. After all, isn’t this the originating context responsible for the “glass ceiling” in the first place? If the majority of leaders (in any organization) are from an autocratic leadership tradition, then leadership decisions and behavior will follow. That behavior is the unspoken and unconscious standard or norm. Attempting to positively change industry behavior that thickens and/or lowers the glass ceiling is what “The Glass Hammer” is all about. Right?

    In conclusion, I believe you have properly identified one, single outstanding way to discern whether corporate IT leadership is truely invested in valuing ALL members of their workforce. Nicely done, Ms. Anderson!

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